Tuesday, January 8, 2013


My next tattoo will likely have a llama and a giant anteater in it. Lovely. :)

do you know what a "plethora" is?

These types of conversations happen to me a lot. Do I know where the "gonocoxite" or "supraalars" are (or what they are?) on an insect? Well, yes, because I've worked on Chironomids in the past but usually the answer is "No?", and this:
Which is why I like this film clip so much!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Just a little note:

James Joyce is known for giving us the secular meaning of "epiphany," using the word to mean the "revelation of the whatness of a thing," the moment when "the soul of the commonest object [...] seems to us radiant."

via The Writer's Almanac today.

So beautiful. The revelation of the whatness of a thing.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Give me a bit more time

... to get my resolutions in order. :)

In the meantime...

This is so cute:

And a few excellent blog posts from people who are much more on top of life than I am.

The always-wonderful Neil Gaiman wishing us Bravery and Joy in this new year (love this).

Jenny Lawson (aka The Bloggess) makes me laugh nearly every time I read her stuff. Here's an excellent one about inspirational stuff on pinterest.

And, lastly, two inspirational posts by Mara Glatzel that speak to me about not being broken (it's so easy to think you are - either broken or a ruiner) and not being too much (though people may say you are). 

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year!

A little video I found hilarious.

I love the "I" vs. "them" conundrum that plays out every day in real life. It's just so fascinating.
I had a good, boozeless NYE celebration and accidentally made it to midnight when I was checking my e-mail via my phone while laying in bed. Had an excellent Jan 1st, though. Overall, I can't complain.
I'm hoping to cement and post my "resolutions" in a day or so. Until then, consider the "you" in the video all the stuff you're gonna dominate this year.
Get it!