Monday, December 3, 2012

Manic Monday!

The final Monday before finals is here, friends! Which means that I'm in full procrastination mode. I had an excellent Saturday which ended a bit too late and resulted in much of Sunday spent napping and wishing that Saturday could be rewound and replayed. Haha.
So, here are some videos!

Another Macklemore video. It's horrible, but hilarious. It is also how the majority of the Yankee's see their Southern bretherin. I love it.

Second video is from a British Gameshow, quite a bit longer, but also hilarious. I love Noel Fielding. Seriously. We would date, or at least make-out in a serious, prolonged fashion.

Sorry this is a bit of a cop-out post, but I am trying to get my study on. Going off caffeine and as much sugar as possible for Shredfest means an uncomfortable line-up with the start of finals week. Ah well. I am strong. Challenges were made to be dominated.
Enjoy your Monday, friends.

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