Monday, December 17, 2012

old music monday.

It's Monday, friends. I am both "guh" and "huzzah."  It's winter break, so I don't have to do too much besides the tedium of mite sorting (which isn't that bad), some additional manuscript work (toxicity ms, I'm coming for you, you bastard), workout, and start getting hyped about heading to the Mitten this Saturday night.
This is so true. I'm tough! (source)

Side note: check this out. WTF? Nice try, Wisconsin. GTFO of this mitten party. No one needs three mittens.

Here are some songs I listen to when driving back to Michigan:

Chicago traffic, I'm looking at you. With hate, and sort of love.

This gem is a song by Hot Hot Heat, a band I listened to in highschool and early college obsessively. I recently found a pile of burned CDs and am enjoying listening to them in the car. 

And, finally, here's a poem, by Jack Gilbert. Which I like, in a sort of melancholic way.   I'm trying to walk around a lot more -- to the farm to catch the bus to campus, around my neighborhood after dinner -- and this is the sort of sweetly sad things I like to muse on while out and about. It hit my inbox a few days ago and I need somewhere to put it down to remember it. If you like what you read, this, this, and this are also worth perusing if you have a second to spare.

Meaning Well

Marrying is like somebody
throwing the baby up.
It happy and them throwing it
higher. To the ceiling.
Which jars the loose bulb
and it goes out
as the baby starts down.

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