As promised... I'm going to try and explain a little more about what's been happening. But, alas, I'm largely lazy, so it'll be a bit ramble-y.
Ozark Mountain Shredfest! My first individual, official XFit competition. I was nervous. I was in the intermediate category, which is a little above my paygrade at the moment, but it looked like fun and the ever-encouraging HB was encouraging me to go for it. So, I did. (Note: HB also competed in the intermediate category and hit a super solid third place finish! Yeah!)
I feel horrible saying it, but it was my goal to not finish last... and I didn't. So, that made it a win for me. I knew the DU would screw me (I just got them as a single, single, DU, single, etc., and I can't get too many), and the pullups would also be limiting (just got kipping... and poorly). That said, I went in with a good attitude and just wanted to check out what it felt like.
Saturday's Schedule:
Shred-Fest Intermediate WODS 1 & 2
WOD1: 12 min continuous running clock:
6 min to establish 1 rep max Clean; athlete must load their own bar.
(Can rest with remaining time) at 6 min athlete must have their own
weights set up and go right into WOD 2 for time.
WOD2: 4 rounds (6min time cap)(Scored separately)
4 Power Clean 155/95
8 Box Jumps 24/20(Games Standard)
12 Pullups
(Plates athletes will be given: 4 x 45, 2 x 35, 2 x 25, 2 x 1
Shred Fest Intermediate WOD 3
WOD3: for time (18 min time cap)
Buy-in: 1,000 meter row
3 rounds:
14 Hand release pushups feet on ball
14 KB Swings 55/35
14 DU
Buy out: 1,000 meter row
I wanted to lift heavy as possible for the Clean, but we don't really do just Cleans in my box much (more C+J action), and my oly lifts are lacking in explosive power because I also don't fully open my hips, and I'm trying to work on that more... so I tend to be slow off the line to try and consciously remember to open the hips up. This isn't really working for me well, and my clean was off. I was also nervous as hell and in the first lane... right by the bleachers. And we were using a 35# bar... which shouldn't have made a difference, but was just another little thing. Anyway. I'd texted a coach at my box and he said "160!" which was exciting sounding, but not likely. I tried, but ended biffing 125 TWICE on the floor (right into the chest)... which is a weight I'd lifted twice in warm up without feeling bad. Ugh. I ended up with 130, after failing 135. Definitely nerves, because I just wasn't shooting my arms under the bar. It was gross. But, oh well.
Right into the 2nd WOD, which was easy until the pullups... and I got 4. So, that sucked and emphasized my need to work on pullups, which I knew. But, my judges were both really cool. and I felt like I went out and tried hard, which is all I could have hoped for. I wish that I'd gotten through to start a second round, though! Those PC were eaaaaaasy. Love powering stuff!
I had high hopes for the 3rd WOD, because I love to row. Well, I don't love love it, but I'm pretty decent at it. The Pushups looked brutal, and the DU's were going to take me a long-ass time, so I figured, what the hell, and went hard on the buy in. I was the first off the rower by a decent number of seconds (not a surprise), and got through all 3 rounds (HOLLA DU's!! I earned each of those little suckers!) and ran out of time in my buyout. I did get through 235 m in 51 seconds though, which was pretty cool, considering how dead I felt.
WOD4: 3 attempts (6 min time cap)
1 Snatch
1 Hang Snatch
*if athlete completes, drops bar or fails during the two reps that will =
1 attempt.(athletes will be given: 4 x 45, 2 x 35, 2 x 25, 2 x 15, 2 x
10, 2 x 5, 2 x 2.5)
3 min weight setup and change
WOD5 (8 minute time cap)
12-10-8-6-4-2 Men/ 10-8-6-4-2 Women
HSPU with abmat
Toes 2 Bar
3 deadlifts at end of each round of HSPU & toes to bar 250/155
WOD6: 6 min AMRAP
3 Power Snatch 105/65
6 OH Squat 105/65
9 Bar Facing Burpees
Again, the WODs were set up to have 4&5 back to back (with a 3 minute reset between), then 6 later. It was cool because the heats were re-set and HB was in a later heat than I was, so she could coach me a bit from the sidelines, which was cheering.
I did okay on the Snatch. It's my worst lift because I hate the feeling of dropping under the bar into a full squat, but it went okay. My initial was 85 (my former 1RM), then 95 (easyish)... and then I loaded 105 on. I should have just gone with 100, but HB said 105, which I likely could have lifted, but I was feeling nervous again because the announcer announced me! GUH! Why couldn't he have announced me the day before when I was blowing through the rower?! heh. Plus, everyone in my heat blew through their 3 attempts (I'd do one, take a minute and a half rest and set my bar, then lift again), so when I set up my 105 attempt... there was no one else lifting. So I kinda got a "okay, let's hurry along" mindset and just lifted to get it over with, which is a recipe for biffing... which I did. Oh well.
WOD 5 sucked. DNF, no reps for me. When it was posted the night before I railed and kicked and ranted and shed a few tears. I was furious. I felt defeated before even walking into the gym on Sunday. HSPU were not on the required movements needed for the intermediate division and they hadn't teased anything early about it (which they had for DUs)... and I couldn't even kick up against the wall. Seriously. I tried for 30 minutes Saturday night around our hotel and failed. I was seriously considering scratching. But, HB and the long-suffering Ross talked me out of it, which was good. And I showed up to the WOD feeling like... whatever I did would be a PR. So, I'd rock that shit. And I did kickups for 8 minutes and, I hear, nearly was able to kip up into a HSPU. But, no cigar.
WOD 6... it was good. I had fun. I wish I'd have game played a little more aggressively, but it was still fun. I made it through 4 rounds (my goal) and 4 reps. Next time, I'll jump n' spin over that bar, because my burpees were slower than they should have been, but I was happy because the last WOD I could !!!doallthemovements!!! Yay!
Next year, I hope to be back, have a good handle on all the movements, and have fun kicking a bit more WOD ass. I did have a good time, though, so thanks Crossfit 417!
I studied between the WODs on Sunday, and a bit on Sat. But it was pretty rough. After WOD 5 I was just struck by a fatigue train. So. tired. After 6, it was worse. I couldn't decide if I was hungry or tired or thirsty. So, I ate a bit too much, under hydrated, and didn't sleep. I studied. We got back lateish on Sunday night (7ish?) and I studied/dicked around until 11pm, went to bed, got up at 3:30am and studied my ass off for my 10am final (dominated!!). Then, ate lunch, and studied my ass off for a Tuesday final. Went to the box, worked out gently, then studied until 11, got up at 3:30am... and studied and took a 1pm final... which I also dominated.
SO, HOLLA! Skipped an awesome XFit workout (PRs were trying to be aimed for... but I knew it wasn't gonna happen for my sleep deprived self) so I took myself to an early showing of The Rise of the Guardians. It was a cute movie, and I had fun sitting in the very middle of a completely empty theater. Then, I ordered some sushi from Sumo and dominated it at home. Spicy Tuna Roll for the win. Delicious. ... then I ate a whole bunch of stuff I wasn't hungry for but was tired for... which wasn't the most auspicious ending to a cool day, but wasn't horrible either.
Today! I had a ton more sleep. And feel way better and prepared to both go grocery shopping and also to dominate the long Metcon WOD this afternoon at the box. :)
And, because I'm still a bit tired and easily amused.. this is so true. I love you nature.
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