Sunday, December 16, 2012

Weekend dry ice!

It's an atypically balmy December day today -- both for December, but also for Arkansas (I think) -- and I can't help but love it (though... there should be snow!). I'm working on editing the last 2 graphics for my accepted manuscript, then I'll be converting them to PDFs and sending it off. After that, I hope to get out and climb some trees. Yes, I am quite old enough to not be doing such things, but I don't really care.

This weekend has been just chalk full of awesomeness for me. Either I won some sort of cosmic lottery or something really terrible is going to happen to me very soon. I'm hoping for the former, but am trying to take the time to really love all the cool stuff that's happening to me, just in case the latter is true.

Reindeer Games in Little Rock with CFFay
Came home, showered, went out to celebrate and had an unexpectedly excellent time.

This day is so delicious I could seriously eat it up. I cooked a turkey! I took a lovely nap. I finally ordered the frothy delicious drink that I was given by accident by someone at Starbucks a week ago (a cappuccino!) I cleaned my kitchen and did laundry. I was invited to a Tuesday breakfast date by a friend. I'm going to climb some trees today. I am enjoying sitting in the library and people watching. 

It's so foamy I could DIE! (source)
 ... and speaking of Foamy... and other awesome videos.

Also, here is a sweet video on dry ice + a swimming pool. The video is a bit long and choppy, but watching just a bit of it gets the point across. I want to swim through a carbon dioxide fog!

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