Friday, October 5, 2012

Thoughts from Wednesday night

I realize I'd written a number of very self indulgent posts about being overwhelmed and feeling sort of glum... and was struck last night about how weird that actually sort of was. Because I don't haver internet at my house, I worried about it for a bit before going to bed but figured there wasn't much I could do about it. Turns out I have actually written said posts but saved them on my iPad, so my pissing and moaning is safe. All for the good of the world!

Whew. That said, life is hectic feeling for me! I have a midterm tomorrow (WTF? midterm already!?) in Entomology lab, which I wasn't all that concerned about, but now very much am. I have to work all day at Insect Festival tomorrow before the midterm, so I'm cramming in as much as possible now in hopes that much of it will stick.  Contrary to anyone's belief, being in graduate school does not mean you are any smarter than the average bear (I certainly don't think I am), it just means that you have a lot more pressure on you at all times to do progressively harder things. Which, most of the time is cool, because I think grad school  (at least in the sciences) seems to select for people who are obsessive about multiple things -- those often being work and getting fucked up. My personal brand of being fucked up is trying to see how much I can put my body through physically, but most of the time being fucked up involves drinking, which can also be pretty fun. But, I'm sort of past the point in my life where I want to binge drink just to say I did -- I like a good beer, but I'll reserve the beer or five for people I genuinely want to (make out) hang out with. Heh.

Anyway. Luck may be needed tomorrow, because it doesn't make sense to me that the scientific name for the subfamily of true katydids is Pseudophyllinae. Pseudo, what? Wouldn't be so bad, except there is also a false katydid (Phaneropterinae). Oh dear. I'm a little unlucky in that there are no aquatic Orthoptera (grasshoppers, crickets, katydids), so I need to learn all this from scratch. Alas! At least the beetles appear to be fairly straightforward.

Don't stay static!

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