Friday, November 9, 2012

Password protected nests and space travel

I'm so hyped it's nearly the weekend. Tomorrow I am going to go to the gym, get my work-on, and then lay in the grass and do nothing for a good hour. Maybe even two.

I have decided to not go to ESA this next week, which is both disappointing and also a huge weight off my shoulders. I actually didn't realize how stressed out I'd been in regards to ESA until I canceled all my plans and felt a thousand pounds lighter and slept like a baby that night. So, I'm bummed I won't be hanging with my cohort and kicking it in Knoxville, but I'm so glad I will be in Fville and be able to work on things without distractions and get a ton of shit done and can hit up long-delayed manuscript edits and... just chill.

On that note, of being chillaxed, here's a cool story about some evolutionary adaptations by a little wren to prevent cuckoos from successfully parasitizing their nests. Check it out here: Fairy wrens teach chicks a password.

Also, while I'm laying in the grass tomorrow, if I'm thinking about anything, it will be this:

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